Friday, August 26, 2011

Have you experienced some supernatural events? Still think it isn't unreal?

Last day my friend phoned me and told me a long story about his supernatural experience. He had been Listening to his music enjoying his little nap on the bed. All of a sudden his "Movable-chair" had stared to move while rotating. He sweared me that the window was closed and he felt no natural force which could move the chair.

Hmm. So I began my investigation from my house itself. I completely sealed my room, brought my computer chair and waited a bit. Nothing happened. ( In case you laugh at me, the first step of an experiment is always a bit weird). Then I started to think of possible explanations I could come with up. First thing came to my mind was a "slope". I remembered the slope in our bathroom. So I kept it there and waited. Still no movement. Then I  gave a very little spin to the chair and it did move. Then I phoned my friend and asked whether there was a slope. He came up with a negative reply.

But still I had some positives. I didn't need any super power to move the chair in bathroom. SUPER POWERS ARE NOT NEEDED. Then I came to my final conclusion.

It's the theory of "Conservation of momentum". Some how ( Ex: due to an untie of a nail or a sudden slip of a joint ) there was a little change of momentum in the Chair. But as we know the system tries to conserve the momentum. It causes the chair to move.

When you find some thing "Supernatural" don't just try to deposit it in Supernatural's account. Instead try some natural explanation. Then do some practicals to test your hypothesis.

Try this. If Newton banked the Gravitational phenomenon in Supernatural's account would we have sent Rockets? There's a reason behind everything, Some times we might find it difficult to explain it at once. But it;s not a ticket to bring in Man's age old friend "Supernatural"

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